Kata-kata cinta

Bisa Bikin Mesra, Ini 50 Kalimat dan Kata-kata Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris

Novita Sari Simamora
Sabtu, 4 Februari 2023 - 09:58

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Menjelang valentine 14 Februari, sebagian orang menyediakan waktu khusus untuk pasangannya dan kata-kata cinta.

Dilansir dari PinkVilla, Sabtu (4/2/2023), kata-kata cinta bisa membuat hubungan percintaanmu semakin mesra. Jangan lupa simpan kalimat-kalimat cintamu untuk disampaikan juga ke pasangan setiap hari, agar hubungan semakin harmonis.

Simak 50 kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat cinta:

1. You are mine!

2. I am not scared of anything except losing you.

3. You brighten up my day like nobody else, darling!

4. You are my world, you are my life!

5. You are my shining heart, love!

6. I don't need my morning cup of coffee to wake my senses; I need your hug!

7. The warmth I get from your hug is incomparable. Love you and miss you, sweetheart!

8. I am yours, and you are mine — now and forever!

9. I have the biggest treasure in this world — it's you!

10. I am always left spellbound by your beauty!

11. Your beauty is what soothes my eyes, and your nature is what soothes my heart!

12. God really did wonders while creating you. You are so beautiful both inside and out!

13. Sometimes, I pinch myself to ensure that I am not dreaming and that I really have an amazing person like you as my partner.

14. You are the most amazing person in my life!

15. All I want is you by my side always!

16. My love for you is limitless!

17. I wonder how I am alive since you have my heart now!

18. You can count the stars in the sky, but not my love for you, darling!

19. Your love drives me crazy every day!

20. Your name is etched in my heart.

21. Every breath of mine has your name, my love!

22. I love the way you make me feel!

23. I cherish you a lot!

24. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!

25. I will love you on good days and bad days! You always have my back, my sweetie pie!

26. It always puzzles me how I found the most beautiful person in this world!

27. Hey, you stole something from me. It's a piece of my heart!

28. I can do anything to bring a smile to your face!

29. I can't stop looking at you ever!

30. I am bad at maths, but I know you always add to my happiness!

31. When I have you, I don't need anything else!

32. My love for you is priceless!

33. You are the precious diamond I can't afford to lose.

34. You and I make a wonderful team!

35. You are my best friend, my partner in crime!

36. Did you fall from heaven? You look like a fairy!

37. I feel like my heart will explode from my love for you!

38. If I could tell you what you mean to me, days and nights would pass by!

39. Nowadays, I smile too much, and only because I am always thinking about you.

40. You make me complete, my love!

41. In a world with billions of people, my eyes always look for you!

42. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.

43. I love the way you motivate me to do better. Love you loads, my honey!

44. Even the sweetest chocolate in this world won't be as sweet as you!

45. Look into my eyes. What do you see? It's your well-wisher right there!

46. Let me dive into your eyes and get lost in the beauty of love!

47. My love for you is profound and subtle! It's timeless!

48. I never stop thinking about you.

49. You are the most adorable person I have ever met!

50. Say cheese! You are my queen!


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